Project Support Work:
- FUSE Support Scientist: As a support scientist, I am
responsible for instrument characterization, science software development
and ablsolute flux calibration. I was also involved with supporting the
FUSE hot star team in the planning, reduction and analysis of
observations of hot stars.
- UV Acquisition Scientist: As an ingest scientist, I was
responsible for negotiating with projects for delivery of their data to
the NSSDC, scientific verification of the data upon delivery, and
dissemination of the data to the scientific user community. These
functions require inter-personal skills, an understanding of a wide range
of instrumentation, extensive data analysis skills (outlined above) and
an ability to anticipate and respond to the needs of the user community.
As part of this activity, I designed several data browsers (including the
original IUE browser, whose GIF images are still in use at MAST),
and I developed the software pipelines to produce them.
- Project Management: I was the ARC project manager for its
{\it COBE}\/ science support contract, a subcontract to General Sciences
Corp. I was responsible for 10 ARC employees, 6 of them PhDs. Our
primary roles were the development of scientific calibrations and
developing the basic algorithms for the data processing pipelines for both
the FIRAS and DIRBE instruments.
- Director of Astrophysical Sciences: My responsibilities in
this capacity were business development, proposal writing, providing
guidance for young ARC astronomers in establishing their professional
careers, preparing the ARC BAAS Observatory report, and acting as a
liaison between ARC astronomers and management.
Invited Review: ``Measurements of Interstellar Extinction'', D.
Massa and B.D. Savage 1989, in IAU Symp. No 135, ``Interstellar Dust'',
eds. L.J. Allamandola and A.G.G.M. Tielens, p. 3
Papers in Refereed Journals:
- ``Main-Sequence B Stars with Strong Winds in the Core of NGC 6231 II:
Verification of the Springmann-Pauldrach Effect?'', D. Massa 2004, in
``Wind variability of B supergiants: IV. SEI analysis of time series'',
D. Massa, A.W. Fullerton & R.K. Prinja 2004, in preparation
``The Angular separations of 2 Galactic Cepheids'', Massa, D., Evans,
N.R. 2004, ApJ, in preparation
``A search for O VI in the winds of B-type stars'', Zsargó, J., Fullerton,
A.W., Lehner, N. & Massa, D. 2003,
A&A, 405, 1034
``Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer Snapshot Survey of O VI
Variability in the Winds of 66 OB-Type Stars'', Lehner, N., Fullerton, A.W.,
Massa, D., Sembach, K.R. & Zsargo, J. 2003,
ApJ, 589, 526
``Constraints on the Ionization Balance of Hot-Star Winds from
FUSE} Observations of O Stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud'',
Massa, D., Fullerton, A.W., Sonneborn, G., & Hutchings, J. B. 2003,
ApJ, 586, 996
``Wind variability of B supergiants. IV. A survey of IUE
time-series data of 11 B0 to B3 stars'', Prinja, R.K., Massa, D., \&
Fullerton, A.W. 2002,
A&A, 388, 587
``The Global Content, Distribution, and Kinematics of Interstellar
O VI in the Large Magellanic Cloud'' Howk, J.C., Sembach, K.R.,
Savage, B.D., Massa, D., Friedman, S.D.. & Fullerton, A.W. 2002,
ApJ, 569, 214
``Fundamental Properties and Distances of the Large Magellanic Cloud
from Eclipsing Binaries. II. HV 982'', Fitzpatrick, E.L., Ribas, I., Guinan,
E.F., DeWarf, L.E., Maloney, F.P., & Massa, D. 2002,
ApJ, 564, 260
``The Influence of Stellar Wind Variability on Measurements of
Interstellar O VI along Sight Lines to Early-Type Stars'', Lehner,
N., Fullerton, A.W., Sembach, K.R., Massa, D.L. & Jenkins, E.B. 2001,
ApJ, 556L
``Measuring the Ionization of O Star Winds'', Bianchi, L., Hutchings, J.B.,
Fullerton, A.W., Morton, D.C., Ohl, R.G., Sonneborn, G., Massa, D.,
Brownsberger, K.R., Willis, A.J. 2000,
ApJ, 538, L57
- ``Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer Spectroscopy of the O VI
Resonance Doublet in Sand 2 (WO)'', Crowther, P.A., Fullerton, A.W.,
Hillier, D.J., Brownsberger, K., Dessart, L., Willis, A.J., De Marco, O.,
Barlow, M.J., Hutchings, J.B., Massa, D.L., Morton, D.C., Sonneborn, G.
ApJ, 538, L51
- ``The Detection of Wind Variability in Magellanic Cloud O Stars'',
Massa, D., Fullerton, A.W., Hutchings, J.B., Morton, D.C., Sonneborn, G.,
Willis, A.J., Bianchi, L., Brownsberger, K.R., Crowther, P.A., Snow, T.P.,
York, D.G. 2000
ApJ, 538, L47
- ``Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer Observations of the Stellar Winds
of Two O7 Supergiants in the Magellanic Clouds'', Fullerton, A.W., Crowther,
P.A., De Marco, O., Hutchings, J.B., Bianchi, L., Brownsberger, K.R.,
Massa, D.L., Morton, D.C., Rachford, B.L., Snow, T.P., Sonneborn, G.,
Tumlinson, J., Willis, A.J. 2000
ApJ, 538, L43
- ``On-Orbit Performance of the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer
Satellite'', Sahnow, D.J., Moos, H.W., Ake, T.B., Andersen, J., Andersson,
B.-G., Andre, M., Artis, D., Berman, A.F., Blair, W.P., Brownsberger, K.R.,
Calvani, H.M., Chayer, P., Conard, S.J., Feldman, P.D., Friedman, S.D.,
Fullerton, A.W., Gaines, G.A., Gawne, W.C., Green, J.C., Gummin, M.A.,
Jennings, T.B., Joyce, J.B., Kaiser, M.E., Kruk, J.W., Lindler, D.J.,
Massa, D., Murphy, E.M., Oegerle, W.R., Ohl, R.G., Roberts, B.A.,
Romelfanger, M.L., Roth, K.C., Sankrit, R., Sembach, K.R., Shelton, R.L.,
Siegmund, O.H.W., Silva, C.J., Sonneborn, G., Vaclavik, S.R., Weaver, H.A.,
Wilkinson, E.
2000 ApJ, 538, L7
- ``A Recalibration of IUE NEWSIPS Low-Dispersion Data'', Massa, D.,
Fitzpatrick, E.L. 2000
ApJS, 126, 517
- ``Determining the Physical Properties of the B Stars. I. Methodology and
First Results'', Fitzpatrick, E.L., Massa, D. 1999
ApJ, 525, 1011
- ``Toward an Orbit for the High-Luminosity Cepheid T Monocerotis'', ``Evans,
N.R., Carpenter, K., Robinson, R., Massa, D., Wahlgren, G.M., Vinko, J.,
Szabados, L. 1999
ApJ, 524, 379
- ``Transient Infall Events in the Disk of AB Aurigae: The beta Pictoris
Phenomenon at 2-4 Megayears'', Grady, C.A., Pérez, M.R., Bjorkman, K.S.,
Massa, D. 1999
ApJ, 511, 925
- ``Repetitive structure in the stellar wind of HD 93843: a normal O-type
star'', Prinja, R.K., Massa, D., Howarth, I.D., Fullerton, A.W. 1998
MNRAS, 301, 926
- ``Time-dependent structure in ultraviolet absorption lines of the rapid
rotators HD 64760 (B0Ib) and HD 93521 (O9.5V)'', Howarth, I.D., Townsend,
R.H.D., Clayton, M.J., Fullerton, A.W., Gies, D.R., Massa, D., Prinja, R.K.,
Reid, A.H.N. 1998
MNRAS, 296, 949
- ``Wind variability of B supergiants. III. Corotating spiral structures in
the stellar wind of HD 64760'', Fullerton, A.W., Massa, D.L., Prinja, R.K.,
Owocki, S.P., Cranmer, S.R. 1997
A&A, 327, 699
- ``Wind variability of B supergiants: II. The two-component stellar
wind of Gamma Arae'' R.K. Prinja, D. Massa, A.W. Fullerton, I.D. Howarth
& M. Pontefract 1997,
A&A, 318, 157
- ``The IUE MEGA Campaign: Wind Variability and Rotation in
Early-Type Stars'' D. Massa, et. al. 1995
ApJ, 452, L53
- ``The IUE MEGA Campaign: Modulated Structure in the Wind of HD
64760 (B0.5 Ib)'' R.K. Prinja, D. Massa, & A.W. Fullerton 1995
ApJ, 452, L61
- ``The IUE MEGA Campaign: The Rotationally Modulated Wind of
zeta Puppis'' I.D. Howarth, R.K. Prinja, & D. Massa 1995
ApJ, 452, L65
- ``Wind Variability in B Supergiants: I. The Rapid Rotator HD 64760
(B0.5 Ib)'', D. Massa, A.Fullerton & R.K. Prinja 1995,
ApJ, 452, 842
- ``HD 93521, zeta Oph, and the effects of Rapid Rotation on the
Atmospheres and Winds of O9.5 V Stars'' D. Massa 1995,
ApJ, 438, 376
- ``S Mus B Revisited'', N.R. Evans, D. Massa & T.J. Teays 1994
AJ, 108, 2251
- ``Calibration of the Far Infrared Absolute Spectrophotometer (FIRAS)
on the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE)'' D.J. Fixen, ... D.
Massa, ... 1994
ApJ, 420, 457
- ``Interstellar Extinction in the Infrared: The Molecular Cloud Toward
HD 62542'', D.C.B. Whittet, P.G. Martin, E.L. Fitzpatrick, & D. Massa 1993
ApJ, 408, 573
- ``Photospheric Velocity Gradients in B1 Supergiants'', D. Massa, S.N.
Shore & D. Wynne 1992
A&A, 264, 169
- ``Ultraviolet Absorption Toward HD 156359, a Halo Star at 11 Kpc in
the Direction l = 329° and b = -15°'', K. Sembach,
B.D. Savage, & D. Massa 1991,
ApJ, 372, 81
- ``Carbon and Nitrogen Abundances in the BN Supergiant HD 93840, and
Their Implications for Normal Galactic Supergiants'', D. Massa, B. Altner,
D. Wynne & H.J.G.L.M. Lamers, 1991
A&A, 242, 188
- ``An Analysis of the Shapes of UV Extinction Curves III. An Atlas of
UV Extinction Curves'', E.L. Fitzpatrick & D. Massa 1990,
ApJS, 72, 163
- ``Ultraviolet Interstellar Absorption Toward HD 163522, A Star at 9
Kpc in the Direction l = 350° and b = -9°'', B.D.
Savage, D. Massa & K. Sembach 1990,
ApJ, 355, 114
- ``The UV Silicon Spectra of Early B Stars'', D. Massa 1989,
A&A, 224, 131
- ``An Analysis of the Shapes of UV Extinction Curves II. The Far-UV
Extinction'', E.L. Fitzpatrick & D. Massa 1988,
ApJ, 328, 734
- ``The Variability of UV Extinction-Curve Shapes and Its Impact Upon
Dereddened UV Energy Distributions'', D. Massa 1987,
AJ, 94, 1675
- ``An Instrument for Optimizing a Space borne Interferometer:
Applications to Calibrating the Cepheid Distance Scale'', D. Massa & A.S.
Endal 1987,
AJ, 93, 760
- ``Expected Angular Separations of Late-Type Supergiant + B Star
Binaries in the Milky Way and LMC'', D. Massa & A.S. Endal 1987,
AJ, 93, 579
- ``Ionized Interstellar Gas Located in the Disk and Halo'', B.D.
Savage & D. Massa 1987,
ApJ, 314, 380
- ``An Analysis of the Shapes of UV Extinction Curves I. The 2175 Å
Bump'', E.L. Fitzpatrick & D. Massa 1986,
ApJ, 307, 286
- ``The UV Extinction Toward 5 Open Clusters and the Accuracy of
IUE Extinction Measurements'', D. Massa & E.L. Fitzpatrick 1986,
ApJS, 60, 305
- ``A Catalog of Ultraviolet Interstellar Extinction Excesses for 1415
Stars'', B.D. Savage, D. Massa, M. Meade, & P.R. Wesselius 1985,
ApJS, 59, 397
- ``The Intrinsic Ultraviolet Continua of O Stars'', D. Massa & B.D.
Savage 1985,
ApJ, 299, 905
- ``Absorption by Highly Ionized Gas Near the Galactic Center'', B.D.
Savage & D. Massa 1985,
ApJ, 295, L9
- ``Main-Sequence B Stars with Strong Winds in the Core of NGC 6231'',
D. Massa, B.D. Savage, & J.P. Cassinelli 1984,
ApJ, 287, 814
- ``UV Observations of Interstellar Extinction Near the Cep OB3
Molecular Cloud'', D. Massa & B.D. Savage 1984,
ApJ, 279, 310
- ``Peculiar UV Interstellar Extinction'', D. Massa, B.D. Savage, &
E.L. Fitzpatrick 1983,
ApJ, 266, 662
- ``IUE Observations of Eight OB Stars in NGC 2244: UV Continua
and Extinction'', D. Massa & P.S. Conti 1981,
ApJ, 248, 201
- ``Vector Space Methods of Photometric Analysis. III. The Two
Components of Ultraviolet Extinction'', D. Massa 1980,
AJ, 85, 1651
- ``Vector Space Methods of Photometric Analysis. II. Refinement of the
MK Grid for B Stars'', D. Massa 1980,
AJ, 85, 1644
- ``Vector Space Methods of Photometric Analysis: Applications to O
Stars and Interstellar Reddening'', D. Massa & C.F. Lillie 1978,
ApJ, 221, 833
- ``The influence of Rotation and Stellar Winds upon the Be
Phenomenon'', D. Massa 1975,
PASP, 87, 777
In addition to the preceding publications, I have also presented
25 papers at AAS meetings and a variety of conferences.
Derck Massa
SGT, Inc.